Monday, February 01, 2010

i'm so LOST

For those of you who are still following LOST (which I think i can count on one hand) , season 5 is coming soon! In feb .. something. early feb. Hence i've been rewatching S4 to refresh my memory on what has happened.

I love how the series is like.. every episode leaves you with jaw-dropping revelations and OMG moments and huhwtfisgoingon endings! hahaha. i just finished ep2 which ends with 'because i have a man on their boat!' omg! haha.
One overlooked part of the show is also the awesome soundtrack! Yes, even though it's not like Chuck or OC with nice indie songs and all, but the symphonic music which crescendoes at climaxes are just SUPER fitting and lends a huge part to the mood of the whole show.

ok i'll do a recap here about season 4.. for the benefit of.. any rare fan of LOST who is still watching .. and my stupid bestie who doesnt wanna marathon s4 with me.
I'm going to do this as i watch more episodes, so it's like bit by bit revealing things. haha.

Ok it's gonna be very broken and bad , i'm just retelling the key points of each ep k.

The season starts where the previous left off, the survivors of Oceanic 815 realise there is a team of people coming to their island, supposedly to rescue them. This team of 4 consist of the pilot Frank, Miles, Daniel, Charlotte.

Jack and the others formed a group to 'get ready to be rescued'. But Locke had other ideas and believed the people coming were bad, since Charlie in the previous season, in his dying moments, had told them that the boat coming was 'Not Penny's boat'.
Thus, Locke leads this other group of people consisting of Claire/Hurley/Sawyer and some others to move away deeper into the jungle to avoid contact with these newcomers.

However, Jack and the rest soon realise that these people coming were not coming for them, but for Benjamin Linus. However, Ben already knows this, as he had Michael planted as a spy on their boat.

Sayid leaves with Desmond and Frank on a helicopter for their boat to find answers to why they were there.
Up to now, 'flashforwards' ( ah yes, a characteristic of s4 is the flashforward, instead of the trademark flashbacks of LOST. It first occured in the season finale of s3 :) )
tell us about 6 survivors who managed to get back to the real world. Hurley is in a mental institution with some people trying to get answers about what happened to the other survivors from him. Jack is back, so is Sayid and Ben. Sayid is working for Ben as a hitman, to supposedly protect the rest of the survivors.

E4- flashforwards show Kate back in the real world too, and she's being trialed for her many felonies. her trial eventually ends with her getting 10 years probation only. It is revealed that she has a 'son'.. which at the end she calls 'Aaron'. (Claire's baby!)

On the island, kate brings miles to talk to Ben. Miles tells Ben he will lie to his boat crew that Ben is dead if he gets 3.2 million dollars. Locke eventually finds out about this and 'banishes' Kate from them. Sawyer and kate spend the night together but in the morning Kate leaves for the beach.

e5 - the helicopter that left 1 day ago still hadn't reached the boat. Daniel tells the survivors it's because how much time has passed doesn't signify how long the helicopter has actually been flying.. due to some mystical effect the island has.

This ep is largely desmond centric.. while he's on the helicopter he keeps flashing to some unknown time when he's in the military. Then he suddenly flashes back to the island time. then back to the military time.
He speaks to Daniel on the island via the radio phone , who directs him to the 'present' Daniel (in the same military time) to tell him about the 'time travel' he's experiencing.

e6 is juliet centric.. just traces the life of juliet before oceanic 815, on and off the island. It is revealed that ben likes juliet, saying 'you are mine'. etc. boring ep. Miles and Charlotte break away from the group to find this gas station to deactivate the gas which they claim Ben may some day release to kill everyone on the island.

e7 is Sun-centric.
there are flash-forwards to present time to reveal Sun is one of the Oceanic six and about to give birth. on the island Jin finds out about Sun's affair and is pissed offfff. but later on he forgives her la.
Then on the boat desmond and sayid find out that ben's 'spy' on the boat is MICHAEL. shocking .

e08 is about michael, and how The Others recruited him to get on the freighter (which brought daniel farraday, miles, and the rest to the island. oh yea, if i didn't mention earlier, their purpose of coming is to find Benjamin Linus, and they were hired by Charles Whitmore, who bought a fake airplane and planted it at the bottom of the ocean to fake the whole world that that was Oceanic 815 (because he wants to exploit the island))

e09 is Ben centric.. which shows him time travelling around the world .
On the island, some people have came and found locke's group and have alex captive. (they killed karl and danielle) They tried to get Ben to come out in exchange for Alex but he didn't, so .. they killed her.

Ben manages to timetravel to the present day, when Oceanic Six are back. ben then recruits sayid for him by convincing him that someone charles whitmore hired killed his wife. Sayid becomes like, Ben's hitman.

On the island, Ben uses the smoke monster to kill off the people attacking them, then they head towards Jacob for answers for Locke.
Flashes to present day where Ben turns up in Charles bedroom, telling him he was going to kill his daughter, penelope.

OK sorry you know what i'm quite tired of updating every ep.. i'll refresh whoever wants to know about the last 5 eps k. yup, 14 eps in total.
